Training | Green and Sustainable Capital Market Evolution
About this training
In the sustainable bonds space, the market has seen record-breaking growth, crossing the US$1 trillion milestone in terms of issuances in 2021. Sustainability-linked loans are now contributing over a quarter of the total sustainable finance market. Sustainable financing is no longer a fringe activity in the international capital markets, with increasing proportion of issuers refinancing in ESG-labelled format and many sovereigns leading the way with the inaugural sustainable bond issuances.
In this session, speakers explored the different types of ESG-labelled bonds and loans, ranging from use of proceeds instruments, where proceeds are used to finance or refinance specific green, social or transition activities, to sustainability-linked instruments, in which the financial characteristics of the instrument are tied to achievement of specific sustainable performance objectives within a defined timeframe. Participants learned about the process of creating a sustainable finance framework and how to monitor commitments under such a framework.
More resources
- Training presentation (English)
- Training presentation (Chinese)
- Training video (English) with Chinese subtitles