Defining an Ambitious Climate Strategy of Green Banking - Thought Leadership Paper Launch and Panel Discussion


The sustainable finance market has seen a steady development in the last decade, experiencing a phase of exponential growth. The increasing severity, frequency and impacts of climate change have put more pressure on financial institutions to recognize their role in catalyzing a more sustainable and low-carbon future.      

During the launch event of the Alliance and Crédit Agricole CIB (CACIB)‘s thought leadership paper, speakers from CACIB, HKMA, BDO Unibank, and IFC deep dived into the importance and intricacies of green banking in emerging markets and shared strategies for encouraging clients to pursue green banking while highlighting the challenges of promoting sustainable finance in the Asian region. The event also included a presentation which shed light on CACIB’s “Five-Step-Approach” for developing its capacity to establish and implement green banking practices.

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